Professor Dr. Yasue Mitsukura
(Keio University, Japan)
KANSEI Detection and it’s Application Using a Simple EEG Device
Many services that take personal preference into consideration have been provided in recent times. Hence, the process of the determination of personal preference, which was pioneered in Japan and is locally known as KANSEI,has been actively studied. Whereas sensitivity is generally inborn, KANSEI is considered to be a postnatal attribute. There are subjective and objective indexes in the method for determining personal preference. A subjective index is obtained by a questionnaire, whereas an objective index is determined by a bio-signal. In addition, an objective index can be quantified, which enables an objective and engineered approach.
Incidentally, there have been many propositions regarding the relationship between an electroencephalograph (EEG) signal and the preference determined by KANSEI in the analysis of a bio-signals. The propositions are based on the idea that “the state of the brain should change if the state of the person changes because the brain governs the mind, consciousness, recognition, and senses,” as well as other ideas. EEG is one of the bio-signals used as indexes for determining preference in the present study. On the basis of our study, we propose various preference measurement systems for the olfactory sense, acoustic sense, haptic sense,
taste sense, and visual sense (generally referred to as the five senses) as well as for a combination of the acoustic and visual senses. In this paper, we introduce the procedure for measuring the EEG and describe the analysis method. We also describe a sample application of the developed preference measurement systems, namely, “KANSEI analyzer”.
Biography – Professor Yasue Mitsukura pursues research related to multimedia signal processing and Bio-Signal analysis, using Bio-Signal Processing, Brain Wave (electroencephalogram: EEG) analysis, visual image processing, semantic analysis of visual images and impression analysis as keywords. In 1999, she became a research assistant for Tokushima University Department of Information Science and Intelligent Systems; in 2002, she became a full time lecturer for Okayama University Information Education Course; in 2005, she became an associate professor for Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology; in 2011 she moved to Keio University assuming the current position of associate professor. Since 2013, She is concurrently the Dentsu Science Jam Chief Technology Officer. Her interests are signal processing, EEG analysis, and image processing. She is a member of IEEE, IEEJ, Medical Audiology, and AIJ.
Professor Dr. Kazuhiko Hamamoto
(Tokai University, Japan)
Study on a computer assisted diagnostic support system for teeth conditions
It is usually difficult to diagnose teeth conditions from a dental X-ray image, for example a panoramic X-ray image which is commonly used in a dental diagnosis. And it is also difficult for a patient to understand his/her teeth conditions though a dentist informs the patient of the conditions using the X-ray image. The purpose of this study is to develop a computer assisted diagnostic support system for teeth conditions, for both a dentist and a patient from viewpoints of diagnosis and informed consent. The proposed support system consists of two part. One is to diagnose dental caries of internal parts of teeth, and the other is to show erosion of a diseased part along time axis. The condition of the dental caries is evaluated by a new factor based on an averaged gray scale value and a standard deviation. The factor is independent of individual X-ray images. Currently, three level diagnosis is possible. The level is visualized and superimposed onto a panoramic X-ray image. The progress of the erosion is shown based on a binarization of a panoramic X-ray image. It could help to predict a future condition of the diseased part. This support system is evaluated by a dentist and a company of dental equipment, and is appreciated.
Biography – Professor Kazuhiko Hamamoto is currently a faculty member at the Department of Information Media Technology, School of Information and Telecommunication Engineering, Tokai University, Japan. He received his BEng., MEng., and DEng degrees from Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology in 1989, 1991, and 1994, respectively. His research lies in the area of medical information, human interface design and virtual reality. He published around 50 journal/transaction papers and more than 75 international conference papers. He is a member of IEEE and many national societies in Japan.
Professor Dr. Mauridhi Hery Purnomo
(Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia)
Limitless Possibilities of Pervasive Computing on Biomedical Engineering
In this presentation, we discussed about emerging technologies and recent development on Pervasive Biomedical Engineering also the exciting possibilities of future development. We start by explaining why pervasive or ubiquitous computing possible. From rapid development of wireless device to miniaturization and cost reduction in semiconductors, from wearable to implanted sensor, and rigorous improvement on computational intelligence. We continue by explaining some interesting research in pervasive biomedical engineering such as biometric health sensors that like a ‘second skin’, smart wheel chair, smart home for the elderly, and some more. For the final part we discuss about our research in biomedical engineering such as infant cry detection, Visual emotion with affection for Indonesian language and the possibilities of those research to be pervasive.
Biography – Professor Mauridhi Hery Purnomo is a faculty member at Department of Electrical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Indonesia. His research interests are data mining, artificial intelligence, soft computing, pattern recognition, machine learning, power system control, computational intelligence. He received his B.Eng from ITS in 1984, M.Eng and Ph.D. from Osaka City University in 1995 and 1998, respectively.
Professor Dr. Soegijardjo Soegijoko
(IEEE Indonesia EMBS Chapter)
e-Health System Developments for Developing Countries: Integrated Activities in Research – Education and Community Services
This presentation briefly describes our experience in conducting various types of research and development activities in e-health systems for developing countries. In most of the collaborative activities, we implement the principles of “integrated efforts in education, research and service to the community”, through national and international collaborations.
Although there are currently, more than 50 existing definitions of electronic health, we prefer to define it as “a multidisciplinary ICT application in biomedical engineering, to process different types of medical information, to support medical procedure for improving the quality of life through enhancing community healthcare and education”. The development activities cover many sub-fields of e-health, which include: m-health, tele-health, telemedicine, tele-consultation, and tele-coordination. Different types of ICT elements/sub-systems/technologies can be used, ranging from microprocessors, programmable devices, PCs, Tablets, mobile and smart phones, through mobile networks and the internet. Due to the multidisciplinary field in nature, synergic collaboration is a must. The activities can potentially be conducted through various in-country and/or overseas collaborations with different personnel, groups, universities and/or other organizations.
From the application perspectives, there are a lot of opportunities in developing different types of application specific e-health systems, such as for supporting: patient/medicine data recording and reporting system, primary care, tuberculosis management, e-prescription, integrated management of childhood illness (e-IMCI), safe motherhood program, midwifery practice, outbreak management, and disaster management. Moreover, various e-health measuring instrumentation systems can also be developed, such as: different types of audiometers, electrocardiographs, electromyographs, and pulse oximeters for specific applications. Reviewing the experience of some developing and developed countries, we can also come up with new innovative e-health systems adapted to our own requirements. International collaborations have further additional benefits in obtaining international grants; this is particularly true for both community healthcare and educational related activities.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of challenges to overcome in conducting the integrated activities, which include: suitable collaborative partners (both in-country & overseas), problem formulation & design specification stage, e-readiness, users’ acceptance, collaborative activities – coordination – reporting, and proposal preparation. Moreover, we may expect further challenging obstacles in obtaining multidisciplinary engagements and commitments from all team members, appropriate funding, access to international publication, as well as suitable students (and team members) to be involved in the research and development work.
Despite having those challenges, we can expect some encouraging advantages, such as: the research grants for supporting the materials and partial equipment needs, excellent opportunity and environment for students to learn solving real research problems, and the results will be beneficial for improving community healthcare. Moreover, we could also expect more effective and efficient education process, producing excellent graduates with sufficient experience in preparing and presenting international publications.
In conclusion, a number of important points could be noted, namely: the need of synergic multidisciplinary collaboration, to start focusing on (limited) specific e-health applications, and to be consistent with the objectives – (education – research – community services). We have to emphasize the need of openness to work in national and international collaborations with their potential benefits, but also focusing on national considerations, targeted products, international publications, and human resources development.
Biography – Soegijardjo Soegijoko (born in Yogyakarta, 1942) earned his Engineer Degree in Telecommunication Engineering from the Department of Electrical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia, in 1964. His Doctor Degree (Docteur Ingenieur) was obtained from USTL (Universite des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, Montpellier, France) in 1980. Moreover, he has also completed a number of non-degree or post-doctoral programs, such as: tertiary education (UNSW, 1970), VLSI Design (Stanford University – 1986; UNSW- 1991; Tokyo Institute of Technology-1984, 1985, 1990). Since 1966, he joined Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB, Bandung, Indonesia) as a teaching staff at the Department of Electrical Engineering, (currently School of Electrical Engineering & Informatics) ITB, until his official retirement in 2007. At present, he is an adjunct Professor on Biomedical Engineering ITB, as well as at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung (Indonesia). His current research interests include: Biomedical Engineering Instrumentation, e-Health &Telemedicine Systems, and Biomedical Engineering Education. He has published more than 100 papers in the above mentioned research interests. Moreover, he (and his colleagues) have also authored four book chapters published by Jimoondang (Korea, 2008), Springer (Singapore, 2014), and CRC Press – Taylor Francis (2016). Prof. Dr. Ir. Soegijardjo Soegijoko is an IEEE senior member; he is at present actively involved in various societies within the IEEE that include: CASS, Computer, Education, EMBS, SSIT and WIE. His organization experience with IEEE includes serving as: section officer, student branch volunteer, chapter chairs and conference organizer. During his career, he has implemented a philosophy of “integrated education, research and community services”, therefore in line with humanitarian activities. He is currently the IEEE Indonesia EMB Chapter Chair, SSIT Chapter Chair, and actively involved in SIGHT activities. He can be reached through: